Privacy Policy

The current protection policy on personal data in compliance with Rule (EU) 2016/679 (GPDR) describes the methods that we, Azienda Agricola Schreckenberger Françoise ML and Agriturismo Gaiattone use to collect, handle and use information about visitors of our site
The following information only concerns our site and does not apply to websites owned by third parties that may be visited by our visitors through links available on the pages of our site and for which Agriturismo Gaiattone has no liability and offers no guarantee in terms of confidentiality and protection policy on personal data.
This policy can be amended, completed or updated, keeping in compliance with the current regulation at the time of data collection. Our aim is to give you information on a regular basis about possible amendments to this policy. Our protection policy on personal data can be found on the homepage of our site, but it is also available on every page of the site.

Legal representative and persons responsible for personal data processing

The legal representative responsible for processing personal data that may be collected from our site is Françoise ML Schreckenberger, legal representative of Azienda agricola Schreckenberger Françoise ML and of Agriturismo Gaiattone which has its legal seat at Frazione Porziano 43, 06081 ASSISI (PG) Italia P. IVA 03016300547, e-mail The legal representative can name another person, internal or external to Azienda Agricola, responsible for the processing of personal data, as well as appoint a third party for the management of data processing, keeping in compliance with the current regulation and with its protection policy on personal data.
The Owner has not appointed a data protection officer as she is not required to do so under Article 37 of the EU Regulation.

Collection of personal data

Navigation data
The computer system and software procedures put in place for proper operation of the site will automatically and indirectly obtain certain personal data, in particular implicit in the use of internet communication. This information is not meant to identify the visitor, but by its very nature it could allow identification of the visitor through third party sites. This is the IP address or domain name of the user, URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of your internet service provider, your operating system as well as date and time of access. These data are used solely for purpose of collecting anonymous statistical information regarding use of the site and to check the good functioning of the site. They are deleted after processing. However, these data can be used in order to find potential liability in case of cybercrime damaging to the site.
Data submitted voluntarily
It is possible to access and navigate on our site without requirement of an agreement on processing personal data. Gaiatone will collect and process only personal data supplied voluntarily by visitors filling out our online forms. Each visitor can decide to supply limited personal data regarding their request for services, products, offers or stays. Once stored, these data will be used solely to answer those specific requests.
Sensitive data
Gaiattone invites its visitors not to supply on the site data or information considered sensitive under article 4 of GPDR (data on health, sexual orientation, political or religious convictions, membership of a political party or trade union, etc.) if this information is not absolutely necessary for provision of our service (for example: intolerance or food allergy).

Specific areas with relevant information are found on our site where you may securely submit your requests. This information can never be used to make a profile of a visitor or for marketing purposes. An agreement will be requested for profiling or marketing operations.

Cookies uses technical cookies essential for the functioning of the said website or necessary for carrying-out requests from visitors. also uses cookies from third party sites to generate statistics on the use of its site (Google Analytics), to localize Gaiattone (Google Maps) and collect agreement for visualization of videos (Youtube). As required by rule n° 229 [] laid down for reasons of data protection as per 8th May 2014, Gaiattone provides visitors of its site its policy regarding cookies, their use, their functionality, how to disable or delete them on the following link Cookie Policy.

For what purpose are your personal data collected?

Overall purpose
Visitors of the site can provide voluntarily their personal data in order to:
- ask for information about services, products, offers and accommodation availability,
- purchase a stay,
- make a reservation for services or products.

Therefore, the data are collected by the Owner for purposes of completing the contract/s that you have signed, to allow for the carrying out of any pre-contractual measures that you may have requested, to comply with financial and accounting requirements and regulations, to ensure that our business complies with current regulations, including regulations related to sanitation and health and safety, to allow for the service to exercise the rights and interests arising from the contract/s and any pre-contractual activities in a judicial or extrajudicial setting.

Purpose of direct marketing
(Non-sensitive) personal data of visitors may be used solely and exclusively after their free and informed consent which can be rescinded at any time for following purposes: dispatch of communication, promotions and advertising related to Gaiattone sent by postal service, e-mail, fax, sms, mms or any other means of communication. After having expressed their consent, the visitor has the right to rescind it at any time, free of charge.

Personal data will not be shared with any third party company without explicit consent of the visitor. They may however be shared with public agencies or institutions to comply with any possible legal requirements.

Legal basis of the processing

Agriturismo Gaiattone di Schreckenberger Françoise M.L. collects your personal data in a lawful way when
1. collecting it is necessary to complete the contract with the service or to complete any pre-contractual measures undertaken at your request. 
2. collecting it is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation required of the business.
3. collecting it is necessary to pursue the legitimate interests of the Owner or third parties, provided that the collection of the data does not interfere with your interests, rights or fundamental freedoms. This is the case for example for CCTV footage and images.
4. collecting it is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of rights in a court of law.
5. you have given us your consent to collect it.
Points 1, 2, 3 and 4 above are the only circumstances in which we can collect your data.

Personal data processing methods

Processing of personal data is achieved through adequate IT systems in order to ensure safety and protection of your data: access control, fire walls, secured servers, backup procedures.

Storage and deletion of your data

Information and personal data of visitors collected from our site are stored for the sole purpose of providing the required service and for the time necessary to achieve this objective. Once the service is performed, all personal data will be destroyed according to the Protection Policy on Personal Data of Gaiattone and in observance of the legal requirements for data storage.

Failure to communicate personal data

We cannot complete the contract without your personal data.

Your rights under the GDPR

You have the right to
• ask the Owner for access to your data and any information about you; to correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request the Owner to complete any information that you believe is incomplete, and to request that the Owner erase your personal data (under the conditions in Article 17, Paragraph 1 of the GDPR and taking into account the exceptions to these in Paragraph 3 of the same Article.) You have the right to ask the Owner to restrict the processing of your data (under the circumstances detailed in Article 18, Paragraph 1 of the GDPR)
• receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and you have the right to transmit those data to another organization (the right to data portability)
• object at any time to the processing of your personal data on grounds relating to your particular situation (Article 21 of the GDPR)
• withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent is limited to circumstances in which the processing of the data is based on your consent to one or more specific purposes and is with regard to common personal data (for example, date and place of birth or place of residence) or with regard to particular categories of data (such as those that reveal your ethnic origin, political opinions, religious convictions, state of health or sexual orientation). The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal
• lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority (